Monday, November 18, 2013


For time:
Press 100 pounds for 100 reps.
You may press, push press, or push jerk.
5 Burpees every minute on the minute.

Porch: 100lbs, 3 Burpees
Pack: 75lbs, 3 Burpees
Pups: 45lbs, 3 Burpees

20 minute time limit. Post time to comments. Compare to 4/7/10, 2/17/11, and 6/7/12.


bill said...

Congratulations to Brooke and Nichole for winning their divisions at the cross fit competition in Wetumpka yesterday!

Masters - 75lbs 12:50
I had forgotten what a shoulder smoker that is…now I remember.

Unknown said...

Yes great job ladies. Don't let the name fool you, gravy it was not.

RX 8:46 time

Unknown said...

Why am I excited about this?

Sandy said...

Oh my goodness!! My arms are like noodles after that workout! I have been doing arm circles off and on all morning trying to keep my shoulders from freezing up. I was getting some strange looks from my students!
Masters - 45# 16:59

Cori said...

chip, you're sick in the head, brotha! :)

Brooke said...

Happy Birthday to Casey!! Hope you have a fantastic day! :)

bill said...

Happy bday Casey!

Chip...give us a post after your workout this evening and let us know just exactly how much fun this was.

Casey said...

Thanks for the b'day wishes!! :)

Jennifer said...

Woo heee. That was a shoulder/ back/ lung burner.
Pack- 45#/ 3 burpees 14:30 and had to jerk about 99 of them!

Cori said...

tomorrow's wod is:

15 minutes to establish a 1-rep max Deadlift
10 minute AMRAP. Using 50% of your 3-rep max DL from 10/14/13, climb the following "ladder" as high as you can!
1 Toes-to-Bar
2 Deadlift
3 Toes-to-Bar
4 Deadlift
5 Toes-to-Bar
6 Deadlift
7 Toes-to-Bar
8 Deadlift ... etc.

Post load and total reps to comments.

Cori said...

Happy birthday Casey!!!

Unknown said...

Bill, I had so much fun with it,I decided to do 95 burpees and 80 something push press.

I have not felt "Stop looking at me tired" in a long time.

Judy Ranelli said...

35#, 14:40, bleh!

Judy Ranelli said...

35#, 14:40, bleh!

Brooke said...

That. was. ROUGH. So much for my "game plan"- that went out the window after the first minute. I was on 5's after that!!

Puma said...

10:27 Masters RX (75#/3 burpees)