Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Have It Your Way"

5 rounds for time of:
200M Run
15 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
15 Ring Push-ups

You may do 15 ring pushups then 15 C2B pullups if you prefer that order. All 15 reps of one movement must be completed before starting the next movement. Post time to comments. Compare to 2/28/12, 8/2/12, 11/1/12, and 11/20/13. Compare to 2/28/128/2/1211/1/1211/20/13, and  10/15/14


Alex Dussaq said...

14:29 Pack (regular Pull-ups/Push-ups)
1:13 improvement

Judy Ranelli said...

15:27, push ups and ring rows.