Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Have It Your Way"

5 rounds for time of:
200M Run
15 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
15 Ring Push-ups

You may do 15 ring pushups then 15 C2B pullups if you prefer that order. All 15 reps of one movement must be completed before starting the next movement. Post time to comments. Compare to 2/28/12, 8/2/12, and 11/1/12.


Eddie Allen said...

Super nice folks up here at the box in Quincy, MA. Different type of WOD. Started with banded back squats off a box....this was different. Then a 500m row sprint (you would have been proud of me coach..1:32 which was 2nd in the class and I was the oldest cat there...of course there was just two of us :).) Then a KB windmill which I must not have been doing right. Miss Carport and hope to see the 5:15ers Friday.

Unknown said...

Great job Eddie! Good to see EA and Alex this morning then the Puma and Nicole at 6 am

Did RX on the 5:15 class and 13:27 time then did the 6 am class with regular pushups and pullups and 10:24 time

Fun workout!

Cori said...

shane killed this one!

i did regular pullups and pushups for a time of 13:55. two bleeding palm rips....TAKE CARE OF YOUR HANDS PEOPLE so you don't get rips tonight! :)

way to represent eddie!!!!

bill said...

Way to go Eddie! Did you tell them that you weren't really British?
Miss we know her?

P in the a.m. again? That's nearly enough to make me want to show up on a Wed.

Sandy said...

Shane, how in the world did you do push-ups this morning? I am still having trouble brushing my hair, or holding the phone to my ear after Monday's wod!

Brooke said...

You are so funny Sandy! I laughed out loud the other day when you said your students were looking at you funny while doing arm circles in the classroom!
Yes, I would like a WHOLE plate AND seconds on whatever Shane has been eating recently. Good grief! :)

Puma said...

Bill, I'm now having to do nights AND mornings to try to catch you and Eddie.

The Raulstons said...

Gracious at Shane's time! I literally thought when I first read the post that Bill was the author and thought- WOW Bill- way to go!!!
I kidded myself at first at doing Rx then came to my senses:-)

Cori said...

tomorrow's wod is:

15 minutes to establish a 1-Rep Max Front Squat
10 minute AMRAP. Using 50% of your 3-rep max FS from 10/16/13, climb the following "ladder" as high as you can!
1 Box Jump, 24/20
2 FS
3 Box Jump, 24/20
4 FS
5 Box Jump, 24/20
6 FS
7 Box Jump, 24/20
8 FS... etc.
Post load and total reps to comments. Compare to 10/22/12.

Oatie said...

I have been sidelined by walking pneumonia this week, so I will see you all on Monday or Tuesday.

Judy Ranelli said...

regular pushups, jumping pullups, 15:10.