Monday, July 6, 2015

Shoulder to Overhead x 5

20 minutes to establish 5RM Shoulder to Overhead
Weight will be taken from rack. Press, push press, or jerk okay.


7 min AMRAP of
5 shoulder to overhead @ 75% 5RM
30 Double Unders

Post max load, rounds and reps to comments. Compare to 7/8/13 and 7/7/14.


Puma said...

170# on 5RM S2O

4 rds + 9 reps on WOD @ 125# Rx

Puma said...

170# on 5RM S2O

4 rds + 9 reps on WOD @ 125# Rx

Puma said...

So, how do you delete a comment?