Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Ten rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
10 dips

Post time to comments.  Compare to 7/28/11 and 6/3/13.

HOLIDAY HOURS: Carport CrossFit will be closed Friday and Saturday in celebration of Independence Day. Everyone have a fun and safe weekend!!


Carport Crossfit said...

Big Dawgs: 225 / 185, ring dips
Porch: 205 / 155, ring dips
Pack: 185 / 135, band assisted dips okay
Pups: 135 / 95, band assisted dips or box dips

DL: Your back position is more important than your pack position. What is the heaviest weight listed that you can move well?

Dips: Do the most advanced dip you can do with proper form and range of motion. Rings, Box, with or without bands - get full r.o.m.

Puma said...

7 rds + 11 in 20 mins vs 8 rds + 3 in 30 mins last time, both @ 185#.

Getting better.