15 min to establish Max Jerk
3 rounds of:
2 min Row for calories
30 sec rest
2 min Double Unders
30 sec rest
Post max load and reps to comments. Compare to 8/1/13.
"Developing the Handstand" with Camille Leblanc-Bazinet - CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
Registration for the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is live!
Everybody needs to register for The Open. Sign off when it's done!
Cut myself off at 195# because of just horrible form on the jerk
422 was the score on the WOD
Ran 2 miles before
T.O.D. It is said that "pride goes before the fall." What type of fall is precipitated by pride? Usually a fall from relationships, from contentment, from peace, and assuredly a fall from grace. While humility is not highly prized in our culture it remains a pathway to the abiding peace of knowing who and whose we are. Today, strive to take the "low-road" that leads to the "high-life."
Said Richard Sherman never.
Classic! Did the first portion of the WOD this morning but ran out of time before I got to do the DU/Row work. Going to try to get it in with the PM crew.
Did bench press instead of jerk - 144 total points. not even 1/3 of Shane's score…it is what it is. Good to see Nichole and her friend Maria this morning.
I am down for the week with walking pneumonia :-( No bueno but I shall bounce back with a vengance!! Brian, love you T.O.D's.
I'm Fired up! I was hoping to get 115# but got 125#!! Woohoo!
Conditioning - 376
Row 25/29/31
DU 101/105/85
I'm registered for the Open!
Tomorrow's WOD is:
15 min to establish max Deadlift
"Lite DT" - 5 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push press
3 Burpee's over bar
RX - 95/65
Pack - 65/45
Pups - 15-45
95, 590wSingles
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