Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Max Jerk

15 min to establish Max Jerk

3 rounds of:
2 min Row for calories
30 sec rest
2 min Double Unders
30 sec rest

Post max load and reps to comments. Compare to 8/1/13.

"Developing the Handstand" with Camille Leblanc-Bazinet - CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Registration for the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is live!


Puma said...

Everybody needs to register for The Open. Sign off when it's done!

Unknown said...

Cut myself off at 195# because of just horrible form on the jerk

422 was the score on the WOD

Ran 2 miles before

Unknown said...

T.O.D. It is said that "pride goes before the fall." What type of fall is precipitated by pride? Usually a fall from relationships, from contentment, from peace, and assuredly a fall from grace. While humility is not highly prized in our culture it remains a pathway to the abiding peace of knowing who and whose we are. Today, strive to take the "low-road" that leads to the "high-life."

Puma said...

Said Richard Sherman never.

Unknown said...

Classic! Did the first portion of the WOD this morning but ran out of time before I got to do the DU/Row work. Going to try to get it in with the PM crew.

bill said...

Did bench press instead of jerk - 144 total points. not even 1/3 of Shane's score…it is what it is. Good to see Nichole and her friend Maria this morning.

Oatie said...

I am down for the week with walking pneumonia :-( No bueno but I shall bounce back with a vengance!! Brian, love you T.O.D's.

Amber said...

I'm Fired up! I was hoping to get 115# but got 125#!! Woohoo!

Conditioning - 376
Row 25/29/31
DU 101/105/85

Amber said...

I'm registered for the Open!

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is:

15 min to establish max Deadlift
"Lite DT" - 5 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push press
3 Burpee's over bar

RX - 95/65
Pack - 65/45
Pups - 15-45

Judy Ranelli said...

95, 590wSingles