The morning classes have been combined into one class. This class will follow the same 45min class format as before and allow for 15 minutes of Open Gym each morning.
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
Post rounds completed to comments. Compare to 5/5/11, 10/4/11, 5/17/12, 8/13/12, and 1/14/13.
CrossFit - WOD 120110 Demo "Nate" with CrossFit NRG [VIDEO]
If you cannot do a MU, do 3:1 Muscle Up Progressions.
If you cannot do HSPU, scale them by placing your knees/feet on a box, doing stink bugs, or by doing standing Dumbbell presses.
KBS scales -
Big Dawgs: 2 pood, Women 1.5 pood
Pack: 1.5-Pood, Women 1.0 pood
Puppies: 12kg, Women 8kg
2 mile pre run at 807 pace and 12 rds. Had 7 misses that killed me.
Good job Shane! Can't wait till I can do MU again...or run 2 miles. ;)
Tomorrow's WOD is
EMOM for 10 min perform 1 Snatch Segmented Deadlift (demo video )
For time
100 double Unders
5 rounds of 10 DL (225/155), 10 T2B
100 double Unders
Post load and time to comments.
I felt like a fat boy trying to get out of to deep end of to pool tonight
Many miss on to MU
So to make it harder training I did mostly strict HSPU :)
10 rounds
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