Thursday, January 17, 2013

WOD 1 (beginning @ 0:00)
5 minutes to complete "Fran" for time
Thrusters, M=95#, W=65#
(1 second penalty for each rep not completed in the 5 minute time limit.)

*REST 1 minute (beginning @ 5:00)

WOD 2 (beginning @ 6:00)
5 minutes to complete 30 Clean and Jerks for time. M=95#, W=65#
(1 second penalty for each rep not completed in the 5 minute time limit.)

*REST 1 minute (beginning @ 11:00)

WOD 3 (beginning @ 12:00)
Run 1 mile for time.

Post times for each WOD to comments.

NOTE: "Fran" and 1 mile are LEADERBOARD WODs!
Compare "Fran" times to 6/14/10, 5/17/11, 6/2/11, 8/23/11, 5/1/12, and 6/20/12.
Compare 1 Mile times to 6/9/1010/6/10, and 10/25/12.


Brooke said...

Where's our morning crew? Hello? Anybody out there? Anyone? Still plastered to the side of the road after that one mile run?

stacey said...

Wod 1- 35#/RX pull ups... got as far as my first couple of thrusters for the 9 rep round at the 5 min mark
2:37 on the 30 CJ's
7:00 flat on the mile.

sheena said...

i was game until i read "run 1 mile..."

i'm all about running, but not when it's freezing AND raining. i can take one or the other, but not both!!

Eddie Allen said...

I dated a girl named Fran once...once! Didn't finish WOD 1 in time with 75#. 3:31 on CJ's and 5 minutes of something that may have passed for rope jumping.

Unknown said...

Fran- I barely finished, it was like 4:58. I did 35# and ring rows.

I did 3:48 on the C&J

The mile was 8 minutes.

Tough day

Unknown said...

RX workout with 95#...6 PUs short of the 5 minute Fran.

CJs-95# in 3:26

90 clean jumps and attempts on DUs at the end.

Good workout! Will RX in time the next time Fran and I meet.....

Jennifer said...

Holy cow--- I'm dreading this. BIG TIME!!

bill said...

FRAN - 65lbs - 21,15, finished 9 thrusters + 3 push ups (subbed pushups for pull ups) DNF.
WOD 2 - finished at 3:37
1 MILE was "misting" and the early a.m. crew doesn't run in the rain - we're 'special'. We subbed mile for 5 minutes of DUs-

Great miler time Stacey!

stacey said...

Thanks Bill! I actually enjoyed getting out and running after all that hard squat-thrustering-quad stuff. It felt good to stretch the legs out and it wasn't raining much by then. Also of note, the 3 women in class got out and ran, while the 3 men stayed "home". Kudos to Casey for getting out there with us despite not having run in a long time. She did great!

stacey said...

Guess your Fran was as "nice" as this Fran, eh?

Oatie said...

AW MAN!!! I want to come back to the gym!! Dr. says not til Monday though, UGGGGG!!!!!!! I do find it funny the girls ran and boys stayed and did DU's this am :-) Silly guys, lol.

Judy Ranelli said...

OMG. Fran. And I have to work late. I am so sorry Fran. I really don't enjoy your company anyway. B^)

The Raulstons said...

Wow. I almost wish I didn't know what was coming. I have never done Rx Fran and tonight I guess it will be with Grace "lite" and a run in the snow. That sounds completely reasonable.

sheena said...

well now i'm super sad i didn't come. i'd have gladly done 5 minutes of double unders. :(

bill said...

I don't find it funny that the boys didn't run in the rain...let's see hmmm...a warm, dry, cozy Carport with DUs vs a cold, wet, slippery mile run. Makes perfect sense from my vantage point ;0}

Sandy said...

WOD 1 - did 35# and ring rows in 4:18
WOD 2 3:08
WOD 3 - did 5 minutes of DU's and only managed 37. One day I will be able to string DU's together (I hope)

Unknown said...

So coaches, what'll it be tonight? I vote for double unders!!!!

Sham-Wow said...

Well, I'm single and I've never dated anyone named Fran, so i'll take her out and see how it goes...

Carport Crossfit said...

The gym is OPEN tonight.

WOD 3: Athlete's Choice! 5 minutes max reps double Unders OR run 1 mile.

Jennifer said...

WOD 1 4:45
WOD 2 2:38
WOD 3 68 DU -- kinda glad coach made us stay indoors! I was really dreading that mile.

The Raulstons said...

Well, I didn't do Rx because my Coach told me that I needed to do lighter weight so I could go faster. So that is what I did. I was a 1/2 rep from finishing Fran so my score was 5:01. Pull ups were my show stopper. 2:00 on Grace "lite" and 194 DUs. I suppose I will tackle Fran Rx another day.
Nice job to everyone setting PR's! Good work CJ's!!!