WOD 1 (beginning @ 0:00)
5 minutes to complete "Fran" for time
Thrusters, M=95#, W=65#
(1 second penalty for each rep not completed in the 5 minute time limit.)
*REST 1 minute (beginning @ 5:00)
WOD 2 (beginning @ 6:00)
5 minutes to complete 30 Clean and Jerks for time. M=95#, W=65#
(1 second penalty for each rep not completed in the 5 minute time limit.)
*REST 1 minute (beginning @ 11:00)
WOD 3 (beginning @ 12:00)
Run 1 mile for time.
Post times for each WOD to comments.
NOTE: "Fran" and 1 mile are LEADERBOARD WODs!
Compare "Fran" times to 6/14/10, 5/17/11, 6/2/11, 8/23/11, 5/1/12, and 6/20/12.
Compare 1 Mile times to 6/9/10, 10/6/10, and 10/25/12.
Where's our morning crew? Hello? Anybody out there? Anyone? Still plastered to the side of the road after that one mile run?
Wod 1- 35#/RX pull ups... got as far as my first couple of thrusters for the 9 rep round at the 5 min mark
2:37 on the 30 CJ's
7:00 flat on the mile.
i was game until i read "run 1 mile..."
i'm all about running, but not when it's freezing AND raining. i can take one or the other, but not both!!
I dated a girl named Fran once...once! Didn't finish WOD 1 in time with 75#. 3:31 on CJ's and 5 minutes of something that may have passed for rope jumping.
Fran- I barely finished, it was like 4:58. I did 35# and ring rows.
I did 3:48 on the C&J
The mile was 8 minutes.
Tough day
RX workout with 95#...6 PUs short of the 5 minute Fran.
CJs-95# in 3:26
90 clean jumps and attempts on DUs at the end.
Good workout! Will RX in time the next time Fran and I meet.....
Holy cow--- I'm dreading this. BIG TIME!!
FRAN - 65lbs - 21,15, finished 9 thrusters + 3 push ups (subbed pushups for pull ups) DNF.
WOD 2 - finished at 3:37
1 MILE RUN....it was "misting" and the early a.m. crew doesn't run in the rain - we're 'special'. We subbed mile for 5 minutes of DUs-
Great miler time Stacey!
Thanks Bill! I actually enjoyed getting out and running after all that hard squat-thrustering-quad stuff. It felt good to stretch the legs out and it wasn't raining much by then. Also of note, the 3 women in class got out and ran, while the 3 men stayed "home". Kudos to Casey for getting out there with us despite not having run in a long time. She did great!
Guess your Fran was as "nice" as this Fran, eh?
AW MAN!!! I want to come back to the gym!! Dr. says not til Monday though, UGGGGG!!!!!!! I do find it funny the girls ran and boys stayed and did DU's this am :-) Silly guys, lol.
OMG. Fran. And I have to work late. I am so sorry Fran. I really don't enjoy your company anyway. B^)
Wow. I almost wish I didn't know what was coming. I have never done Rx Fran and tonight I guess it will be with Grace "lite" and a run in the snow. That sounds completely reasonable.
well now i'm super sad i didn't come. i'd have gladly done 5 minutes of double unders. :(
I don't find it funny that the boys didn't run in the rain...let's see hmmm...a warm, dry, cozy Carport with DUs vs a cold, wet, slippery mile run. Makes perfect sense from my vantage point ;0}
WOD 1 - did 35# and ring rows in 4:18
WOD 2 3:08
WOD 3 - did 5 minutes of DU's and only managed 37. One day I will be able to string DU's together (I hope)
So coaches, what'll it be tonight? I vote for double unders!!!!
Well, I'm single and I've never dated anyone named Fran, so i'll take her out and see how it goes...
The gym is OPEN tonight.
WOD 3: Athlete's Choice! 5 minutes max reps double Unders OR run 1 mile.
WOD 1 4:45
WOD 2 2:38
WOD 3 68 DU -- kinda glad coach made us stay indoors! I was really dreading that mile.
Well, I didn't do Rx because my Coach told me that I needed to do lighter weight so I could go faster. So that is what I did. I was a 1/2 rep from finishing Fran so my score was 5:01. Pull ups were my show stopper. 2:00 on Grace "lite" and 194 DUs. I suppose I will tackle Fran Rx another day.
Nice job to everyone setting PR's! Good work CJ's!!!
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