Wednesday, January 2, 2013

LEADERBOARD WOD - "Incredible Hulk"

20 Min AMRAP of
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Presses
5 Back Squats

Post rounds and reps to comments and to your WODbook. Compare to 2/16/12 and 6/6/12.

NEW LOCATION! - 1901 1st Ave South, Irondale, AL 35210


Carport Crossfit said...

Use a weight that will be challenging you on your weakest movement in the sequence. Hint, there are 10 deep squats per round.

Big Dawgs: rx

20 min AMRAP, men 115#, women 75#

20 min AMRAP, men 95#, women 65#
12 min AMRAP, men 135#, women 95#

12 min AMRAP, men 65#, women 45#


Sandy said...

First WOD in the new gym this morning was lots of fun!!
50# - 10 Rds + 9

Cori said...

man, drew sure does look mad on today's blog pic....

Eddie Allen said...

Proud to be there for the firt WOD at 1901! 7 rounds @ 95#.

Eddie Allen said...

First WOD that is! The firt WOD would just be bad!

stacey said...

y'all get the place broke in real good, and I'll see yous all tomorrow!

bill said...

Pack 95lbs 6 rounds + 19 reps

Cori - that's not mad...that's a jubilationatory dance that that the move is complete -

Kista said...

#55 for first 3 rounds then #45
10rounds and 10 reps

Anna said...

45# 8rds + 18 reps

Loved WOD'ing the new place!

sheena said...

55# - 6 rounds + 16 reps

the new gym is pretty spectacular! i'm so impressed!!

Oatie said...

I am so mad!! I have a 101 degree fever today so I am going to miss tonight, UGH!!

Paul said...


The Raulstons said...

I'm sorry Oatie! That stinks and I hope you feel better soon!
I was a little off today and skipped the push presses because my arm still tweaky. Did 75# for 10 rounds + 18. Great job everyone and I LOVE the new space!!!

Unknown said...

looks like good numbers from everyone! Great job on starting the new year off right!

Jennifer said...

Yowza - this was a tough start to the new year! 45# 9+7 rounds. I am very happy with my game time decision to drop 10# down to 45 -- otherwise someone would have had to scrape me off the shiny new floors.

Great job everyone! Happy 2013! The new gym is awesome!

Oatie, hope you feel better soon!

Amber said...

13rds + 15 reps

On the ramp back to Rx. :)

It was so fun to WOD in the new building! I am glad you all enjoyed it.

Cori said...

rx 8 plus 13
definitely not a PR
on the ramp back to pre-cookie/cake/pasta/bread/pie/turkey/dressing/pizza RX :)

DREW said...
