Wednesday, June 6, 2012


20 Min AMRAP of
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Presses
5 Back Squats

Post rounds and reps to comments and to your WODbook p119. Compare to 2/16/12.


Carport Crossfit said...

Use a weight that will be challenging you on your weakest movement in the sequence. Hint, there are 10 deep squats per round.

Carport Rx:
20 min AMRAP, men 135#, women 95#

WODbook Rx:
20 min AMRAP, men 115#, women 70#

20 min AMRAP, men 75#, women 55#

12 min AMRAP, men 55#, women 35#

10 min AMRAP, PVC-45#

Amber said...

Today's cashout is INCREDIBLY fun!!!

Amber said...

Skill work for me today. This morning's cashout was kinda like a WOD.
Carry Drew to dumpster, 100 squats, carry drew back to gym, 100 GHD situps.

MU: 10 singles in 10 minutes. Then 2-2-1-1
WB: 10 a minute for 5 min @ 20#. (22,23,25,21,22seconds)
KBS: 10 a minute for 5 min @ 70#. (22,22,24,36,50)

Kbs ate my lunch! I was just trying to hang on for all ten reps. The last two sets I broke up 7/3, 8/2.

alex said...

7 rounds + 10 reps. 115#.

Puma said...

RX 7 rounds

Carport Crossfit said...

INCREDIBLE HULK is now a Leaderboard WOD! Top Rx times are

1. Will Pugh 135# - 8rds
2. Brooke Cochran 75# - 8rds + 18reps
3. Alex Lell 115# - 7rds + 10reps
4. Puma 115# - 7rds


DREW said...

11 rounds
had some ex work with the hpc to fs
[brain ah ]and i was tough on brooke for the same thing . but she tough "beast"

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed this one! My 6 miler took exactly 1 hour and I would have been late for class :(

Cori said...

9 rounds + 15 reps DOH! 10 reps shy of 10 rounds. dang!

rounds 1-3 unbroken
rounds 4-7 got through front squats, rested then finished presses and back squats
rounds 8-9 i didn't know i could do my last hpc to a squat clean, nor did i know i could do my last front squat as a thruster to get one push press, so i did that for last 2+ rounds. wish i would've done it starting at round 4. next time, i'll run that game.

Cori said...

9 rounds + 15 reps DOH! 10 reps shy of 10 rounds. dang!

rounds 1-3 unbroken
rounds 4-7 got through front squats, rested then finished presses and back squats
rounds 8-9 i didn't know i could do my last hpc to a squat clean, nor did i know i could do my last front squat as a thruster to get one push press, so i did that for last 2+ rounds. wish i would've done it starting at round 4. next time, i'll run that game.