Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Virtual Shoveling
7 rounds for time of:
12 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
12 Ring dips

Post time to comments.

Compare to 3/3/11 and 12/14/11, and 2/24/12.



stacey said...

Something about 5:15 just doesn't quite happen for me. Ran my neighborhood 10k route. Workouts this week have me tired. Felt like someone added an extra mile somewhere...

Cori said...

Stacey, you aren't the only one it didn't happen for this morning. :)

stacey said...

Why does 5:15 seem sooooo much worse than 5:30 or 6?

bill said...

5:15 isn't the problem - it's my 4am happy face that rolls over and tells Sandy "it's time to get up" that we can complete the pre-stretching routine before we hit the Buy In at 5:15 which is made bearable due to seat heaters - they're like therapy on the way to the Carport.

stacey said...

There is no such thing as a 4am happy face! :D

bill said...


Oatie said...

Bill, the seat heaters are even better therapy AFTER a big back day @ the Carport :-)

sheena said...

wait, do y'all really get up at 4 to stretch??

bill said... mean you can't tell when we get to the Carport that we're ready to rock and roll? We also hit the hay about 8pm....I stayed up once til 12:15 am so I could find out what the WOD was for the next day and it was like I was in the twilite zone.

stacey said...

I get up at 445 to be ready for 6. Gotta have my coffee, gatorade and . when you get older you need more .... Uh shall I say .... Prep time.

sheena said...

well that makes sense. i guess i could get up at 4 if i went to bed at 8. usually i'm eating dinner around that time!

Anna said...

Sheena, I was thinking the same thing! 4 am!!

I have noticed y'all are already chipper by the time you get there. I am pretty sure I am technically still sleeping until after we get done with the buy in.

The Raulstons said...

Wow - I get up at 5:30 to make the 6 class. That is why you all look so alert!

sheena said...

my morning routine: first alarm goes off at 4:30 - that gets turned off or snoozed - if snoozed, it goes off again at 4:40 then most definitely gets turned off - second alarm goes off at 4:50 - that gets snoozed - it goes off again at 5:00 - if i manage to not hit snooze or turn it off, i get up and scramble to get dressed and out the door no later than 5:07, which allows me to arrive (usually) exactly at 5:15. :)

bill said...

If you put on your workout stuff before you went to bed Sheena you could sleep until 5:11.

Unknown said...

Since I get up at 5 so I can have coffee before the 6 am class does that make me old?

stacey said...

No Tonya, it doesn't make you old...but it does make you.. one of "those people", er uh, I mean us. yeah...
Usually in bed before 9pm..

I can't recall the last time I saw the 10pm news...

The last time I watched Saturday Night Live, the new crew-you know, the one with Eddie Murphy, was on...

Cori said...

Funny blogging today! i especially enjoyed Sheena's morning routine and bill's come back!

Jennifer said...

And this is why I am a pm carporter. Most of Y'all have already done the cash out before my alarm goes off for the first time!!

On a totally different note, I walked out and left John's dog tags hanging on the first rack by the door tonight -- yes I wear them and they mean the world to me. If someone will put them in one of the cubbies i would greatly appreciate it. I can't believe I left them. Too superstitious to not pick them up tomorrow and can't even fathom thm getting lost.

Anonymous said...

The idea of virtual shovelling cracks me up for some reason.