Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Push Press x 3

20 min to Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 for average load.


Using 50% of 3RM, accumulate as many Shoulder-to-Overhead reps as possible during the following 10 minute Burpee ladder.
Minute 1 - 1 Burpee + AMRAP Shoulder-to-Overhead
Minute 2 - 2 Burpees + AMRAP Shoulder-to-Overhead
Minute 3 - 3 Burpees + AMRAP Shoulder-to-Overhead

Score is average load multiplied by total reps. Post average load, total reps, and final score to comments. Compare Push Press load to9/18/14and 1/12/15. Compare AMRAP to 8/7/13and 2/17/15.http://carportcrossfit.blogspot.com/2015/02/push-press-x-3.html

1 comment:

Alex Dussaq said...

125/135/135/145/145 -> 137 (125 drop)
20/12/10/5/5/8/5/5/5/5 -> 80