Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Complete this cycle 2 times for total reps.
2min Row for calories
30 sec Rest
2min Double Unders
30 sec Rest
2min rope climb (each climb = 10pts)
30 sec Rest
2min Burpee
30 sec Rest
2min Box Jump (24/20)

30 sec Rest
Post total reps to comments. Compare to 4/29/13 and  8/16/13, and 3/4/15.


spaztech said...

Note for future Carl: Actual score is 227, rope climbs were 10 pts each, I only counted the reps. Doh!

DU- 15 (hard earned double-unders)
Rope - 8 (80)
Burpees - 40
Box jumps - 35
Row Calories - 57

spaztech said...

Thanks past Carl.. I was wondering why my score was so low. I should leave you some lotto numbers.