Tuesday, September 16, 2014

High Bar Back Squat x 5

15 minutes to establish 5-rep max high bar back squat with 3 sec pause at the bottom of each rep.


For time:
30 jumping squats, 75/55
15 burpees over barbell
800M run
15 burpees over barbell
30 jumping squats, 75/55

Post load and time to comments.


bill said...

I don't mind helping Sally down but she's gotta get over it and start bringing her own self back up - I was worn slap out before the WOD ever started.
2 each 15lb dumbells on WOD - 9:11...that was tough.

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

3 x 5min AMRAPs. Rest 2 minutes between AMRAPs.
5 DL 275/185
10 push-ups to barbell
15 lateral hops over barbell

Puma said...

220# on the squats

13:30 on the WOD rx