7 minute AMRAP of:
3 Clean and jerk
3 Toes-to-bar
6 Clean and jerk
6 Toes-to-bar
9 Clean and jerk
9 Toes-to-bar
12 Clean and jerk
12 Toes-to-bar
15 Clean and jerk
15 Toes-to-bar
18 Clean and jerk
18 Toes-to-bar...
3 Clean and jerk
3 Toes-to-bar
6 Clean and jerk
6 Toes-to-bar
9 Clean and jerk
9 Toes-to-bar
12 Clean and jerk
12 Toes-to-bar
15 Clean and jerk
15 Toes-to-bar
18 Clean and jerk
18 Toes-to-bar...
MEN - 135# (Includes Masters Men up to 54 years old)
WOMEN - 95# (Includes Masters Women up to 54 years old)
MASTERS MEN - 115# (Includes Masters Men 55+ years old)
MASTERS WOMEN - 65# (Includes Masters Women 55+ years old)
For a complete WOD description, demo video, and scaling options CLICK HERE!
Did 44 reps.
Worked on Deadlifts after and got 185# (not the 195# I had thought at the gym - my mathleticism was way off this morning).
45 reps and worked on bench after. This morning was tough for me, but good work! Enjoyed seeing the AM folks again this week.
Well one year later and one rep better. 71 on the WOD then did bench and worked up to a successful lift of 275#
Well one year later and 15 reps worse. 32 reps at masters 115 lbs. BP of 125lbs. Not sure why but I just didn't have it in the tank this morning and I haven't eaten a donut for two days.
Tomorrow's WOD is
10 minute AMRAP of
5 Handstand Push-ups
25 Double Unders
At home modWOD with squats and TTB. 7min AMRAP.
6 squats, 3 TTB
12 squats, 6 TTB
18 squats, 9 TTB
24 squats, 12 TTB
30 squats, 15 TTB
34 squats
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