20 Min AMRAP of
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Presses
5 Back Squats
Post rounds and reps to comments and to your WODbook. Compare to 2/16/12, 6/6/12, and 1/2/13.
BURPEES-TO-BABY: 78 burpees!
by Cori Johnson
Boy, is it difficult to stay straight in the nutrition department while on the go! But with a little planning, you will never find yourself in a bind! Here are a few things that I do during the work week that help me stay "on the WLC wagon":
- Buy an inexpensive lunch bag so that you can throw snacks in there before you leave the house. I ALWAYS travel with food. Also purchase a few of those doohickeys that you can fill with water and freeze to add to your lunch bag so that you aren't limited to traveling with only fruits and nuts.
- On the weekends, cook some "portable" protein, then portion it into baggies. Put the baggies in the freezer, and throughout the week, pull out the baggies one to two at a time the night before you need them. Protein suggestions: grilled chicken, pulled rotisserie chicken (EASY), hamburgers (made yourself), etc. You can do this with boiled eggs, too...but obviously, you probably don't want to freeze those.
- Buy a water container that becomes your bff. Like, get so close to this water bottle that if you don't have it, you feel naked. Spending $5-$10 on the front end will save you a ton of $$ in the long run...hello, have you ever noticed how many water fountains there are around!?
- If you use Stevia in your coffee or your tea, put some in your purse...or your car....or your backpack....or your pockets. Stevia now comes in really easy travel packages nowadays. (It used to be really hard to find, believe it or not!) I have even seen liquid Stevia in a small portable squeeze bottle. (I think that was at Walmart.) Don't leave home without it! :)
Use a weight that will be challenging you on your weakest movement in the sequence. Hint, there are 10 deep squats per round.
Carport Rx:
20 min AMRAP, men 135#, women 95#
WODbook Rx:
20 min AMRAP, men 115#, women 70#
20 min AMRAP, men 75#, women 55#
12 min AMRAP, men 55#, women 35#
10 min AMRAP, PVC-45#
95lbs - 7 rounds + 17 reps, almost a full round pr from Jan. I'm happy with that.
great workout this morning and thankful for my position in the gym. Did 9 + 5 rds which was a 3 rd increase but that was because I caught drafting winds from Sandy "the Motor" Myers knocking out 13 rds behind me!! Way to go Ms. Sandy!
Sandy :O
Was unbroken for like 5 rounds if that is the longevity portocol
We all need to get on that wow!
I did the same weight as Sandy and I do not know how she did 13 rounds! Holy cow. I did 10+3 and it was definitely burning.
Sorry I missed this morning but my legs are STILL smoked from Friday. I do not recall ever feeling a workout like this before. Hopefully catch everyone tomorrow morning.
55#, 7+5.
tomorrow's wod is:
15 minutes to establish Max Weighted Chest-to-Bar Pullup
6 min AMRAP of:
3 C2B Pullups
6 Burpees
9 Toes-to-Bar
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