Monday, June 10, 2013


Ronnie doing C2Bs at the Carport 

5 Rounds for max reps of:
Bodyweight OHS
C2B pullups

Post reps for both exercises in all rounds. Compare to 9/1/11 and 6/13/12.

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Unknown said...

Tried to get up to body weight but couldn't get past the 195# with reps
185# first set 10 reps with 10 ctb
195# five reps with 10
Then faded out at 195# the rest with 10 Ctb pull ups every round

Cori said...

this is really funny!!!

Amber said...

Tomorrow is "Dollar Day" at Lightning Strikes bowling alley in Trussville. From Noon-11pm
$1.00 Games, Shoes, Hotdog, & Soda!

The girls and i went last week and may go again tomorrow. If anyone would like to join us, just let me know!

Carport Crossfit said...

Carport CrossFit will be hosting the World Wide WOD on August 10!

For details and to register, go to:

bill said...

65 lbs - 15 reps 8ctb
95 lbs - 3 reps 8ctb
95 lbs - 2 reps 6ctb
95 lbs - 4 reps 6ctb
95 lbs - 2 reps 9 ctb

Great job on an OHS PR Sheena!

sheena said...

thank you kindly, bill! :)

Cori said...

I want what Sheena's eating! She's a beast these days!

Tomorrows wod is b4, Cindy
20 min amrap of
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Amber said...

I heeded my coach's advice and chose moderate squat weights and did not go below parallel. I kinda feel like i punked out on those but i know it is what i should be doing right now. I am so tempted to push myself the way that I always do - to try to set PR's, to lift as heavy as possible, etc. Thank you, Cori, for reminding me that this is a time to train "smart" and that there will be plenty of time to train "hard" in just a few months.
85# - 5/5, 5/4
105# - 5/6
115# - 5/5,5/5 (75% body weight)
C2B pull-ups were truly max reps. I stopped at 5 on all sets of OHS.

Oatie said...

Amber, the fact that you are WODing preggers hardly constitutes linking out... I call that hard core & you should be applauded! Way to set an amazing example :-)

Oatie said...

Punking, stupid auto correct on my phone!

Cori said...

amber, you are still doing c2b pullups, and they looked beautiful! you might WANT to push yourself on the weights, but you are growing a baby!!! it's the toughest 9 month wod of all! your body is this baby's only place to be right now and you need to keep it safe and healthy. it is better to be safe instead of sorry. if you hurt yourself squatting too far, you will hurt yourself in the long run and you won't be able to squat AT ALL.

trust me, after this baby comes, you'll bounce right back to everything you were some, knowing your determination. :)