Tuesday, April 23, 2013

OHS 5x5

 Kenleigh finished 2nd only to a 12 year old in the 0-14 division. She ended up doing a 36 minute 5K, not bad for an 8 year old, and I finished 1st in my age division and 6th overall with a 20:48 time. And of course, wore my Carport shirt to represent! :) ~ Shane Cahalan
OHS 5x5, heaviest possible


5 min AMRAP of:
10 OHS (75% of 5rep max)
5 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Compare to 6/18/10 and 6/9/11. Can you OHSx5 what you OHSx3 on 2/19/13? Post loads, rounds, and reps to comments.

Overhead Squat Basics [wmv][mov]
Overhead Squatting Safely [wmv][mov]
Overhead Squat Elements [wmv][mov] » May 20 07
Overhead Squats (Mark Rosen) [wmv][mov]
Overhead Squats, Bodyweight x 15 reps (John Brown) [wmv][mov]
Nicole Carroll Bodyweight OHS x 15 [wmv][mov]


bill said...

95lbs 5 rep max - 75lbs for wod=2 rounds + 7

Unknown said...

Did my 3 rep max 5 times at 185# but only did 195# 3 times
Did the WOD with 140# and completed 3 rds

1 mile cool down

Unknown said...

I also meant to add that is a CUTE kid on the blog today!

Kista said...

Congratulations Kenleigh and Shane!

No OHS for me today. Aaron and I worked out together for a change yesterday and I need a recovery day. See you all soon!

The Raulstons said...

Nice work Shane and Kenleigh!!!

Eddie Allen said...

Great job Shane....your wife must be beautiful!!! Just hacking on ya brother. 100 lbs 5 rep max and 3 rounds + 5. OHS to me seem like jumping out of a perfectly good airplane...something just ain't right!

Oatie said...

Well that was great ...until the AMRAP, LOL!!! Thanks for the great coaching Drew and the awesome support Jennifer & Brooke. Probably see you guys next week since my race is Saturday.

Cori said...

wod for tomorrow:

10 min AMRAP
10 KB snatches, alternating arms (2/1.5)
10 box jumps, 24/20
10 ttb

Jennifer said...

5 rep max 55# (matched my 3 rep max weight from February ). Not too shabby with a broken finger.

40# and ring rows in the WOD 3+5. That was a gasser of a different sort. Holy sore wrists!

Jonathan said...

At home wod (not the same as being there.). 155lb max, 165 3 times. 3 rounds with 115lbs. Gave myself 7minutes due to run from barn to pull up bar.