Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Max Clean & Jerk

17 min to establish max clean and jerk

- then -

5 min AMRAP of:
5 front squats (70% max C&J)
10 push-ups to your barbell

Post max load, rounds and reps to comments. Compare to 7/6/10 ,  4/18/11, and 3/27/12.

Max Clean and Jerk Demo with Michael Lynch and Eric O'Connor - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Annie Cleans Heavy [wmv][mov]
Clean & Jerk [wmv][mov]

2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open begins March 6 - Register HERE!


stacey said...

Ugh, nasty weather, nasty headache. Hate I'm missing it.

Unknown said...

Frustrating workout for me. Did 185# then 135# for the WOD for 7 complete rounds

Kista said...

We missed you Stacey!

Max #95

WOD 5@#65

Oatie said...

hey Stacey your switched grip idea yesterday was a brilliant thought! IDK why I hadn't thought of it either but, WOW what a difference it made!!

stacey said...

That's great Oatie! Glad it was a useful insight. I switched just to avoid fatiguing one side more than another so I wouldn't lose my grib on TTB's and turns out it was my stronger "side". Go figure? Guess it pays to "shake things up" once in a while.

bill said...

135lbs pr then got greedy and tried and missed at 145 twice-should have gone only to 140...too late I was out of gas. 95lbs during WOD = 6 rounds even

Kista said...

Was feeling bummed that I missed my clean PR of 110 (three times) til I took my temp a couple hours later and reliased that I have a low fever. I hope y'all don't get get sick :(

sheena said...

max 85# (pr)

rx: 3+5 @ 60#

i think i spent an entire minute on the last set of push ups. those were HARD.

Unknown said...

75# Max
55# for WOD 3+7
That stinks Kista. Rest tomorrow and feel better.

The Raulstons said...

The verdict is in- focal cartilage defect and a degenerative meniscal tear in my knee. I will be having surgery sometime soon, but I will be back! Everybody register for the Open and I will come cheer you on!!!

Cori said...

wod for tmrrw:
For time: 21-15-9
C2b pull-ups
Kbs (2/1.5)
Double Unders

Judy Ranelli said...

Max 95. 65 for wod, gamestyle pu, 4+2.

Unknown said...

215lbs pr, enjoyed the amrap to close. Morning wods are a challenge though...this is going to take some getting used to.

Jennifer said...

Today wasn't great for me. Struggling with a lack of energy on the WLC diet. 60# max. 5+ 9 at 45#. Game style pushups

Brooke said...

Miss my training buddy, already! :( keep your spirits up, you will be back in no time!!