Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Max Snatch

15 minutes to establish Max Snatch


5 minute AMRAP of
5 Power Snatch, (70-75% max snatch)
10 Lateral Hops over your barbell

Post load, rounds and reps to comments. Compare to 6/21/10, 10/4/10, 1/4/12, 4/10/12, 6/8/12, and 11/26/12.


Unknown said...

oxygen demanding workout this morning...155 max and then 7 rds at 115.. Good job AM crew. Glad to have you back better this morning Mrs. Sandy.

bill said...

95lbs 75lbs for reps 5+5 Way to go Shane, 'Sheena with the do', Anna and Eddie knocking it out of the park this morning! Good job AMers!

Hey CJ Beasties..where you be last night? I didn't see your names on the board?

Drew....when Coach Cori went to evenings we weren't sure if we'd get out of there on time in the mornings - but I'll be ding wallied if you aren't doing a fantastic job of kicking us out at 6am...Good job Coach, thanks!

Unknown said...

55# max. Up from 30# in November. 40# 6+2 rounds

Anna said...

55# Max, 40# 6+2

Brooke said...

Way to go morning crew!! Bill, we "CJ Beasties" rested last night (and I had a sick little one too) because we had our own little barnyard throwdown wod at the Raulston's on Sunday! :)

The Raulstons said...

Yes - rest day yesterday and will have to complete this in the barn tonight - I will see how far I get on my own:)

The Raulstons said...

Pretty steep improvement Tonya - good work!

bill said...

Rest is good. Just checking to make sure you all are still kickin.

stacey said...

I am proud of myself for showing up today because I am not a fan of Mr. Max Snatch. Nearly bailed but then all good sense was lost.

60# max 45# for reps-6 rounds even.

I wonder if Max Snatch is related to Max Headroom. Both are equally obnoxious!

The Raulstons said...

This is test to see if I correctly downloaded a picture to my google account:)

Sandy said...

Thanks, Shane; I was glad to be back! Took it easy so as not to aggravate my shoulder and let 45# be my max. Then did 6 Rds. + 9 at 35#.

stacey said...

Way to blast up on the weight!

bill said...

Tonya that's 25 lbs in less than 2 months!......that's it - I saw this coming....you're going in the Beast Book. Just when you thought you could fly under the radar un-noticed;0). Great progress!

Cori said...

I was looking at the past comments for max snatch and it was one year ago that i got a pr at 105! One year later, my max is 130. i love crossfit!

sheena said...

60# max (pr)
45# 7+5

Kista said...

65# max (I think)
5+5 @45

Amber said...

115 was all I had today. It was nice to do some max work. That was the first time since the Brad Hawley Invitational that I have snatched.
6+1 @ 85#

Judy Ranelli said...

80# max, 65#,4+2

Puma said...

135# max and it was UGLY!!! I really need to work on snatch technique. Sadly, 10# below my PR.

4 rds + 4 (95#)