Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Can you believe it?! The last three WODs at the warehouse! Next week we will be training at 1901. Over the weekend, Drew moved the wallball targets and the water fountain to the new building. Please be sure to bring a waterbottle to class so that you will have something to drink.

For time:

25 Squats
25 Push-ups
25 Pull-ups
25 Sit-ups
50 Squats
50 Push-ups
50 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
75 Squats
75 Push-ups
75 Pull-ups
75 Sit-ups

Post time to comments. Compare to 11/04/09.

ROWING INTO THE NEW YEAR! Click to sign-up!


stacey said...

I did not have a happy 4am face this morning, and I can't decide if I managed to make to the 5:15 class because I was eager to work out or ready to punish myself for the gastronomic transgressions as well as absence, from cross fit this past week. Probably both! As hard as it was to drag myself out of was worth it!
I did this workout Rx. 38:38 or :39, not sure.. clock was a blur.

stacey said...

ALmost forgot...
Got my first "RIP" today!
If anyone hears screaming, that's me going a few rounds with the H2O2 bottle.

Feels more like H2SO4!

Little Timmy took a drink, But he will drink no more, For what he thought was H2O, Was H2SO4

bill said...

Bwaahaaahaa-I know Timmy's pain. I have gargled with perox for sore throat works great - just don't inhale cause it will gag a maggot.
I think you did 38.34 Stacey.

RX 38.00 - only because I knew Stacey was hot on my tail!! Broke pullups and pushups into 5s. This wasn't as bad as I anticipated.
Drew and Shane left us standing in the dust.
Looking forward to that new box!

stacey said...

The "competitor" in me realizes that I took some time to stop and tape up that rip... I almost maybe mighta coulda shoulda caughta up to you Bill.

bill said...

When I hit about 50 of 75 situps Stacey I did notice you were digging much deeper than I was and figured you'd catch me. I'd already gone to my quiet place and was watching the ducks on the pond.

Kista said...

Sorry I missed everyone this morning. We had last minute out of town guests and lots of egg nog :) but, I'm excited to bring my Christmas cash down there for a few more paid up months of crossfit!

Brooke said...

I just love, love, LOVE me some Crossfit! Even in the midst of my moans, groans, and "this is hard y'all" comments, what an AWESOME feeling it is to push myself and complete wods I NEVER EVER thought possible. 150 pull ups tonight! Holla!! Wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere tonight than with y'all in 30 degree weather, wind blowing! :)

Cori said...

Somebody's got crossfit euphoria...

The Raulstons said...

Wow - that was a tough one! Because I haven't WOD'd in a while, I did pack with no other MODs. I sort of drifted off halfway through this WOD and then realized I still had to do 60 pull ups. Good gracious! Sooooo happy I did it and I am so happy to be on the way back from the DL. I am with Brooke in that weird lactic acid induced euphoria:) 34:55.