Monday, November 5, 2018

DU, FS, Push Press

For time:
100 double-unders
115-lb. front squats, 21 reps
115-lb. push presses, 21 reps
100 double-unders
115-lb. front squats, 15 reps
115-lb. push presses, 15 reps
100 double-unders
115-lb. front squats, 9 reps
115-lb. push presses, 9 reps

Post time to comments. Compare to WOD 141010, 10/20/1410/20/16, and 9/20/17

Bar path in the shoulder press with Denise Thomas - [video]
Elbows up in the front squat with Denise Thomas - [video]
Overhead wrist position with Chad Vaughn - [video]

Scaled WOD
Rx - 115/75
Porch - 95/65
Pack - 75/55, 100 du or 300 singles
Pups - 55/45, 15-12-9, 100 singles
BC - up to 45#, 12-9-6, 100 singles

1 comment:

Judy Ranelli said...

8:20 pups. 15-12-9 FS and PP, @ 45lbs., 100 singles