Monday, October 20, 2014

DU, FS, Push Press

For time:
100 double-unders
115-lb. front squats, 21 reps
115-lb. push presses, 21 reps
100 double-unders
115-lb. front squats, 15 reps
115-lb. push presses, 15 reps
100 double-unders
115-lb. front squats, 9 reps
115-lb. push presses, 9 reps

Post time to comments. Compare to WOD 141010.

Bar path in the shoulder press with Denise Thomas - [video]
Elbows up in the front squat with Denise Thomas - [video]
Overhead wrist position with Chad Vaughn - [video]


bill said...

65lbs 19:20 some DUs mostly singles...that's 900 singles if you do only singles-what a killer-the rest of the WOD was a cakewalk compared to the jump ropes.

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

E chest to bar pull-ups
Rest 1 minute
ME chest to bar pull-ups

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 burpee box jumps, 20 inches
10 squat cleans, 155/115

Score is pull-up reps plus WOD reps. Post total pull-ups, WOD reps, and score to comments.

Scaled WOD:
PORCH: 135/95
PACK: 95/65
PUPS: 12-20" box, 15-45#

Judy Ranelli said...

55lbs, 100 singles per round, 11:22