Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Max Front Squat

15 minutes to establish a 1-Rep Max Front Squat


10 minute AMRAP. Using 50% of your 3-rep max FS from 11/29/16, Climb the following "ladder" as high as you can!
1 Box Jump, 24/20
2 FS
3 Box Jump, 24/20
4 FS
5 Box Jump, 24/20
6 FS
7 Box Jump, 24/20
8 FS... etc.

Post load and total reps to comments. Compare to 11/21/13 and 2/5/15.

1 comment:

Judy Ranelli said...

Row 2500m / 128 (15 round + 8), step-ups, 45# FS