Thursday, September 29, 2016

Dip, DL, Hops

10 rounds of 30sec on 30sec off:
Ring Dip = 3pts/rep
Bar Dip = 2pts/rep
Bar Pushups = 1pt/rep


10 minute AMRAP of
10 Deadlifts, 275/185
25 Lateral Hops

Score = (points) x (reps). Post total points earned, total reps, and score to comments.

Scaled WOD:
Rx - 275/185
Porch - 225/155
Pack - 185/135
Pups - up to 135/95


Alex Dussaq said...

66 (All bar PU)
125 5 95# bench, 25 20# Medicine ball sit ups

Judy Ranelli said...

Jumping bar dips 50 reps; 135# and singles 4 to 1 = 130. Score 6500