Thursday, March 3, 2016

Max Squat Snatch

20 minutes to establish a Max Squat Snatch from the Hang [DEMO VIDEO]


50 Burpee Box Jumps for time. (30/24)

Post max load and time to comments. Compare to 9/20/13 and 3/5/15.


spaztech said...

Here's an updated link:

bill said...

4:46 burp BJ RX - no hang squat snatch today. My masters training program doesn't allow for any hang sq snatching on the first Thursday of the month if it's below 60 degrees and rain is forecasted for the day.

spaztech said...

Bill you more than made up for it on the Burpee Box Jumps, Beast Mode Bill.

120# snatch / 7:16 BBJ Rx