Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Clean, FS.

EMOM for 10 minutes, using 60% of max Clean (5/22/14), perform
1 Clean (pause 3 sec at the bottom)
2 Front Squats

- then -

7 min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
5 Toes-to-Bar

Post load and reps to comments. Compare to 10/31/13 and 11/4/14.


bill said...

Rx 3 rounds + 19 DUs. Third round I went straight thru 30 DUs but starting the next round my timing/coordination got up and left as usual. It's been great having Chris with us in the a.m. If he shows up on Thursday morning (3 mornings in a row) we will officially call him an a.m.er. Also a treat to have Ashley show up this morning. This was a great morning.

Judy Ranelli said...

65#. 50 singles/10 situps, 6+56

Judy Ranelli said...
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spaztech said...

115# / 6 + 34 MOD Singles T2B

I wanted that last T2B but I was empty and the clock ran out.. I had one foot close to the bar.. looked more like a 'can-opener' than a T2B.