Monday, October 26, 2015

Squats and Presses

With a 95#/65# barbell:
Max Overhead Squats (3 points)
Max Front Squats (2 points)
Max Back Squats (1 point)

Rest five minutes

Max Press (3 points)
Max Push Press (2 points)
Max Push Jerk (1 point)

For points, not for time. You can stop and rest as much as you need all, with just one rule: the WOD ends if the bar touches the ground. (The exception is the 5 minute rest; you can set the bar down then.) So you can bring the bar down from overhead during the OHS, you can stand with the bar in a hang position, etc. It just can't touch the ground.

Work in pairs. Resting athlete keeps score for the working athlete.

Post scores for the squats, presses, and the sum of the two to comments. Compare to 10/27/14.

The front squat with Denise Thomas - [video]


Puma said...

10 OHS/30 FS = 90 + 16 P/4 PP = 56

TOTAL = 146 Rx

spaztech said...

40 OHS / 25 FS = 170
22 Press / 20 Push Press = 106

Total = 276 @ 60#