Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Max Clean & Jerk

15 minutes to establish 1-rep Max Clean & Jerk


3 rounds for average watts
Row 2 minutes
Rest 4 minutes

Record average watts for each 2 minute row. Then find the average of these scores. (To do this, add the avg watts from each row then divide that total by 3.) Score is (#max C&J) + (average "avg watts"). Post load, average of the average watt scores, and final score to comments.

Score = (max C&J) + (Row1+Row2+Row3)


bill said...

135lbs max 1 rep CJ this morning + 213 avg watts = 348 reward points

Judy Ranelli said...

90 lbs. Forget my rowing scores but total was 148.

Puma said...

185# C&J

461 score on the WOD (273+280+274)