20min to establish 10-8-6-4-2 rep max weighted Pull-up. Total of all loads is your score.
(First establish your 10-rep max, then 8-rep max, and so on. You must go in that order 10-8-6-4-2. For example, once you have moved from the 8-rep scheme to the 6-rep scheme, you cannot go back and re-attempt your 10-rep or 8-rep max. You may change weights as needed.)
12 min AMRAP
800M Run
50 Ball Slams, 30/20
40 Wallball Sit-ups with slammer
30 Wallball shots with slammer
20 ground to over the shoulder, alternating shoulders
10 Burpees
Final score is Weighted Pull-up score x reps. Post weighted PU score, reps, and final score to comments. Compare to 9/15/14.
CROSSFIT not only can improve one's golf game, it also makes us friendlier...
CrossFit builds community.
Community translates into fun interaction, accountability, and healthy competition. We know from research on the likelihood of change that we only have a 16% chance of success in changing if we hear an idea and like it. That statistic goes up to 95% when we have a specific appointment with someone who is going to hold us accountable.
and that "specific someone" is either Brian Keen or Drew Hill.
Truly spoken counselor. BTW during the Crossfit Open Sandy and I generally get hooked on watching the video posted workouts on the games website. We actually found a crossfitter who may whine more than some of us do (me mostly). Look at the men's 55-59 scaled group #274, Taicheng Tseng video of 15.4. Let me know if you can translate any of the Taiwanese.
Tomorrow's WOD is
15 min to establish 3-rep max Bench Press
3 rounds for reps
2 min Row for calories
1 min Rest
2 min Burpee-over-the-box jumps, 24/20
1 min rest
Post load and reps to comments.
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