Thursday, January 15, 2015

DU, Snatch

EMOM for 10 min for perfect form, perform 1 High Hang Squat Snatch using 80-85% of your max. (Compare to 9/20/13.)

- then -

For time:
100 Double Unders
30 Hang Squat Snatches, 115/75
100 Double Unders

Post loads and time to comments. Compare to 9/26/13.


bill said...

45 lbs for the WOD
100 DUs + 30 Dus and 210 singles

A full 2.5 minutes behind my 2013 time with 20 pounds less - but you know what - 42 DUs in a row! I was celebrating like Icky Woods - gonna get me some cold cuts baby! Woooo!

Puma said...

Congrats Bill!

Puma said...

I registered for the Open. Have you?

bill said...

I'm debating. Thinking about whether my shoulder can take the weight yet - it's getting better mostly because I've been babying it. To answer your question.....not sure yet.

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

20min to establish 3-rep max Deadlift


3 x 2min AMRAP with 1 min Rest between AMRAPs
15 Deadlifts, 225/155
15 Toes to bar
As many Burpees as possible in time remaining

Post 3RM Deadlift and reps completed to comments. Compare to 9/25/12 and 8/21/13.
Compare AMRAP score to:
Compare DL score to:

Amber said...

42 DU IN A ROW!!! Holy cow! Way to go Bill!!