Friday, January 16, 2015


20min to establish 3-rep max Deadlift


3 x 2min AMRAP with 1 min Rest between AMRAPs
15 Deadlifts, 225/155
15 Toes to bar
As many Burpees as possible in time remaining

Post 3RM Deadlift and reps completed to comments. Compare DL score to 8/15/14  and AMRAP score to 12/4/13.

1 comment:

bill said...

As Brian would say...I pulled the plug on my 3 rep max DL at 235lbs.

Used 155lbs on WOD - 108 reps total

P. - I think I will sign up. Sandy told me that it looks like they will have modified workouts within each age group this year. So I believe I'm in.