3 x 3min AMRAPs with 1 min rest in between. Climb the "ladder" as high as you can go. Restart each round.
2 Hang-to-Overhead, 8 lateral hops over bar (or "JOB"s as Bill says!)
4 H2O, 16 JOB
6 H2O, 24 JOB
8 H2O, 32 JOB
10 H2O, 40 JOB...
Continue as long as you are able.
Rx - 115/75
Pack - 95/65
Masters RX - 75/55
Pups - up to 45/35
Post max load and total reps to comments.
Split Snatch with Coach Mike Burgener (VIDEO)
25 Names of Jesus Christmas Study
"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you…" Luke 2:11
My Savior
by: Kayla Ferris
I was around the age of 14 when I first realized my need for Jesus, my Savior.
The summer before I started high school, I started having nightmares. Jesus was coming…and he wasn’t taking me with him. Noises at night had me jumping. I was afraid. I knew that I was a sinner…I knew I could never be good enough to get myself into heaven. So I talked to my parents, and they called our church. By that evening, I had confessed my need for Jesus. I was baptized before my family and a few family friends that agreed to come. And I slept good that night.
There was only one problem.
I treated salvation like it was an item on a checklist.
“Yes, let’s see. My Life Checklist. Survive Jr. High? CHECK. Don’t go to hell? CHECK. What’s next? Oh yes…coming up soon…graduate high school, go to college. Got it.”
I put my check mark by “salvation”, and moved on.
Only…Jesus, my Savior, was not satisfied with that. He did not die on a cross so he could become a line on my list.
He wanted to hold my list in His mighty hand.
And then He wanted to hold my hand in his other, and whisper “Follow Me.”
I was a freshman in college when I first realized my Jesus-Savior wanted a relationship with me. It was the first time I had heard this word associated with Jesus. Relationship. I was not exactly sure what it meant, but my spirit stirred inside of me at the thought. I saw for the first time that there was something more. So I sat in my dorm room one night and I prayed this: “Jesus… I want a relationship with you, too. What that means…I’m not sure yet. But I want more.”
I think He smiled. Maybe chuckled a little.
And then He PURSUED me in a whole new way. And never stopped.
Something beautiful happens when you see Jesus as both the one to save you from your sin…and as the lover of your soul.
From that moment on, He began a work in me like never before. He began to open my eyes, removing scales. He began to demolish strong holds in my life that only a big, powerful, loving Jesus could demolish. He kept pouring love into me. He kept bursting out of the “safe little box” I kept trying to put Him into.
And He has done that every day since.
THAT is the Savior Jesus.
Think about this. The bible is a love story. A story about a God who created us and loved us fiercely from the beginning. A God who loved us so much, in fact, that he already had a plan to save us before we even knew we needed saving. A story about Immanuel (God with us) being born in a stable, and laid in a manger so that He could be close to you. A story about a Savior who took nails and a cross so He could bridge the gap to you.
Exodus 15:13, “In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed.” Our Savior longs to redeem you and lead you in His love. It is why He came. It is why He was placed in that manger!
His love is calling to you. Do you feel His pursuit? If you do not know Jesus as your Savior, know this. He loves you. And He longs to redeem you. If you do know Jesus as Savior, know this. He loves you. And He longs to lead you in His love.
Jeremiah 31:1 “The Lord appeared to us…saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”” Here is how the Message interrupts that: “God told them “I’ve never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love.””
Did you catch that?? Jesus draws us to himself with love. He calls to us in love over and over and over. And He NEVER stops.
That is what it means for Jesus to be my Savior. He draws me to himself every day. Every morning, every noon day, every evening, He calls to me in love. And He will do so tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that. He will forever, constantly be drawing me towards Himself. Because He loves me like crazy. And He loves being my Savior every day.
He wants to be your Savior every day, too.
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Tomorrow's wod is
Complete as many units as possible in 40 minutes.
- 800M Run
- 50 Burpees
- 1000M Row
You may choose to start with an 800M Row, 50 Burpees, or 1000M Row. After you complete your first unit, choose a different unit to complete next. You may compete units in any order you choose, the only rule is that you cannot do the same unit two times in a row. You may alternate between the 3 units or choose your two favorites and just do those.
For example, you may choose run, row, run, row, Burpee, run, Burpee, row,... or just run, row, run, row, run, row....
Post completed units to comments.
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