Monday, December 8, 2014

10-8-6-4-2 Weighted Pull-ups

20 min to establish 10-8-6-4-2 weighted pull-ups


3 rounds for reps
5 min to complete an 800M run (or1000M row) and as many KBS as possible. 1.5/1
Rest 1 min between rounds

Post total of all pull-up loads and total KBS to comments.

25 Names of Jesus Christmas Study
"Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, A costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed." - Isaiah 28:16 


Sandy said...

Did strict pull-ups (no kipping) with the blue band.
25 kbs with 1 pd.

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

15 min to establish max Split Snatch


3 x 3min AMRAPs with 1 min rest in between. Climb the "ladder" as high as you can go. Restart each round.
2 Hang-to-Overhead, 8 lateral hops over bar (or "JOB"s as Bill says!)
4 H2O, 16 JOB
6 H2O, 24 JOB
8 H2O, 32 JOB
10 H2O, 40 JOB...
Continue as long as you are able.
RX = 115/75
Pack = 95/65
Masters RX = 75/55
Pups = up to 45/35

Post max load and total reps to comments