15 minutes to establish a 1-rep max Snatch Balance. Pause (balance) for 3 seconds at the bottom of the snatch before standing.
For time
15 Burpees over barbell
5 Snatches, 155/105
12 Burpees over barbell
4 Snatches, 155/105
9 Burpees over barbell
3 Snatches, 155/105
6 Burpees over barbell
2 Snatches, 155/105
3 Burpees over barbell
1 Snatch, 155/105
Post load and time to comments.
Bro session with Dan Bailey and Josh Bridges - [video]
Whew this was a little tougher than it looked. I had a hard time balancing 85# in the WOD. That's not a difficult snatch for me but for some reason I felt wobbly on the catch. Most of my snatches were power snatch + OHS.
Rachel, it was great to meet you tonight and so cool to hear you and Maddox speaking Ukrainian. :)
Tomorrow's WOD is
"Have it your way"
5 rounds for time of:
200M Run
15 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
15 Ring Push-ups
You may do 15 ring pushups then 15 C2B pullups if you prefer that order. All 15 reps of one movement must be completed before starting the next movement.
As much as I would have enjoyed this collection of my personal goats, I had other obligations. I can't make it wed. or thurs. either but will try to come friday. Miss y'all.
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