3 x 5min AMRAPs. Rest 2 minutes between AMRAPs. 5 DL 275/185 10 push-ups to barbell 15 lateral hops over barbell Post rounds and reps to comments.
I am still out, @ least for the rest of this week. Upon weeks end I will reevaluate my pain level and decide next course of action.I'm pretty frustrated, but trying to stay positive. I'll probably stick my head in one night this week, just to say hi. :-)
I am still out, @ least for the rest of this week. Upon weeks end I will reevaluate my pain level and decide next course of action.I'm pretty frustrated, but trying to stay positive. I'll probably stick my head in one night this week, just to say hi. :-)
That would be great! We would love to see you Oatie!!
Tomorrow's WOD is
20 minutes to establish:
1-rep max Standing Press
3-rep max Push Press
5-rep max Jerk
4 x 2minute AMRAP with 1min rest between AMRAPs.
10 T2B
30 DU
My legs hurt! Anybody else?
Get well Oatie ad Emery: yes.
3+5/3/3 @105 lbs., gamestyle pushups. Score 275
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