20min to establish 10-8-6-4-2 rep max Deadlift. Total of all loads is your score.
(First establish your 10-rep max, then 8-rep max, and so on. You must go in that order 10-8-6-4-2. For example, once you have moved from the 8-rep scheme to the 6-rep scheme, you cannot go back and re-attempt your 10-rep or 8-rep max. You may change weights as needed.)
For time:
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5pd/1pd
25 Toes-to-bar
40 Kettlebell swings, 1.5pd/1pd
20 Toes-to-bar
30 Kettlebell swings, 1.5pd/1pd
15 Toes-to-bar
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5pd/1pd
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Kettlebell swings, 1.5pd/1pd
5 Toes-to-bar
Post Deadlift total and time to comments.
Stayed light on DL - total @835 lbs
WOD 35lb Kettlebell + situps = 9:40
Happy Late Born Day Man!!
10 @ 115#;8 @ 135; 6 @ 145; 4 @ 155;
2 @ 165 = 715#
Used 26# KB and did sit-ups (because I tore my hand Friday on pull-ups) in 10:17min.
Tomorrow's WOD is
20min to establish 10-8-6-4-2 rep max Bar Dip. Total of all loads is your score. (First establish your 10-rep max, then 8-rep max, and so on. You must go in that order 10-8-6-4-2. For example, once you have moved from the 8-rep scheme to the 6-rep scheme, you cannot go back and re-attempt your 10-rep or 8-rep max. Change weights as needed.)
5 rounds for max reps
30 sec Ring Push-up
30 sec sit-up
30 sec Burpee
Deadlifts went well then Autumn schooled me on the WOD ;)
50-40-30-20-10 KBS, sit-ups 13:11
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