Wednesday, September 3, 2014

3-Position snatch grip DL

EMOM for 10 minutes perform:
3-Position snatch grip DL (pause when bar leaves the ground, just below the knee, mid-thigh, then stand. On the way back down pause at the same places - mid thigh, just below the knee, and before touching the ground.)


For time:
800M Run
3 rounds for time
15 DL, # of your choice
15 push-ups on bar

Score is (time in sec) - (DL load in pounds).

A straight bar path in the deadlift with Laura Bruner - [video]

1 comment:

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

20min to establish 10-8-6-4-2 rep max Shoulder to Overhead. Total of all loads is your score.


For time
30 calorie Row
30 bar over Burpees
30 Hang Cleans (power clean or squat clean okay)