Tuesday, July 29, 2014


EMOM for 10 min. Choose a challenging weight. Use perfect form.
3 Deadlifts
2 Power Cleans
1 Front Squat
1 Deadlift
2 Power cleans
3 Front Squats

*on odd numbered minutes perform the 3-2-1 sequence, even numbered minutes perform the 1-2-3 sequence.


3 x 2min AMRAPs. Rest 1 min between AMRAPs.
10 Deadlifts, weight of your choice
As many WB as possible, 20/14

Score is (DL load)(total WB reps).
Scoring example:
10 DL @ 200#
100 WB
Score is (200)(100)=20,000

Archived footage of Masters: Deadlift Ladder
Archived footage of Team: Deadlift & Big Bob 200


bill said...

95lbs for emom and front squats hugging that 50 lb slam ball beast of P's.
125 lb DL on WOD with row in place of WB - 1192 meters total
We also got to see miss Lindsay this morning!

Judy Ranelli said...

65lbs for emom. 155/35 = 5425.

Puma said...

95# for EMOM.

235# x 80 wall balls = 18,800 on the WOD