Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"Circus Bear"

Last Thursday we did the Bear complex for heaviest load. Remember, a Bear Complex is 7 sets of the sequence: power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press. Today's WOD is another "ladder" style workout using 75% of that max Bear load. During minutes 1-5, you will climb up the ladder then go back down during minutes 6-10. You may "blur the lines" on those movements today if you prefer and do a squat clean thruster and back squat thruster instead.

Min 1 - 1 set (1 set of the traditional Bear sequence or 1 squat clean thruster, 1 back squat thruster)
Min 2 - 2 sets
Min 3 - 3 sets
Min 4 - 4 sets
Min 5 - 5 sets
Min 6 - 5 sets
Min 7 - 4 sets
Min 8 - 3 sets
Min 9 - 2 sets
Min 10 - 1 set
Post load and minutes completed to comments. Compare to Max Bear 6/19/14.

HOLIDAY HOURS: The gym will be closed Friday 7/4 and Saturday 7/5.

1 comment:

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

For time
10 pull-ups
20 KB SDHP, 1.5/1pd
40 KBS 1.5/1
80 lateral jumps over bar
40 KBS
10 pull-ups


15 min to establish max Deadlift.