Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Max Split Press

For time:
50 Kettlebell squats
25 Kettlebell hang clean and press (alternate arms every 5 reps)
40 KB squats
20 KB HC&P (alternate arms every 5 reps)
30 KB squats
15 KB HC&P (alternate arms every 5 reps)
20 KB squats
10 KB HC&P (alternate arms every 5 reps)
10 KB squats


15 min to establish 1-rep max Split Press [DEMO VIDEO]

Post time and load to comments.


Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

10 minutes to complete a 1 mile run and as many over-the-box jumps as possible.
Rest 2 minutes.
5 minutes to complete an 800M run and as many over-the-box jumps as possible.
Rest 1 minute.
3 minutes to complete an 400M run and as many over-the-box jumps as possible.
Rest 1 minute.
1 minute to complete as many over-the-box jumps as possible.

Post number of over-the-box jumps completed to comments.

Puma said...

15:30 min @ 35# on the WOD. 115# on the split press

Drew said...

Wow that was one sided
11:55 @54# / 160 on split