Thursday, May 1, 2014

Max reps Bench Press

Carport! Today is the last day to save $10 before pricing goes up! Grab your friends for the #Happiest5k! You won’t want to miss this! Buy tix here:
5 x 3min rounds
During each 3-min round, Perform 1 set of max reps Bench Press, 135/95


5 min AMRAP of
5 Toes-to-Bars
15 Lateral Hops over bar

Score is total reps Bench Press plus total reps in AMRAP. Post score to comments.


Sandy said...

Fun workout this morning with fun people! The rest of you evening guys are missing out!
55# bench press - 52 reps
5 minute AMRAP - 101 reps

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

For time:

Men and Women 40-44, 45-49, 50-54
100 Pullups
100 Wall-ball shots (M-20#,10ft; W-14#,9ft)

Men and Women 55-59
75 Pullups
100 Wall-ball shots (M-14#,10ft; W-10#,9ft)

Men and Women 60+
50 Pullups
100 Wall-ball shots (M-14#,10ft; W-10#,9ft)

bill said...

95lbs 62 reps+109 reps @ 5min amrap= 171 reps

Judy Ranelli said...

55# 100 reps.
134 reps during AMRAP with straight leg situps mod.