Friday, April 4, 2014

Bench Press x 5

Join the CARPORT CROSSFIT Color Run team! Register ASAP to receive Early Bird pricing!
 Buy tix here:
15 minutes to establish a 5-rep max Bench Press


3 min max reps bench press, 100/75
1 min rest
3 min max calorie row

Score is max load BP + reps BP + calories rowed. Compare to 1/6/14.

Hey guys! Here is a little bit about the new Upcoming Events.

WODism for Autism is a come-and-go event next Saturday at CrossFit Alabaster. Get there anytime between 10:00am-2:00pm and they will put you in a heat. There is no registration fee, they just ask that you make a donation of any amount you choose. You can participate in the WOD "Taylor", the Ground-to-Overhead relay, or both! Coach Dawn of CF Alabaster created this event in 2012 in honor of her son Taylor and as a way to bring awareness to Autism. Several Carport athletes went to this last year and had a blast. Coach Cori even brought home a prize!

Memorial Day "Murph"FREE EVENT 8-10am at CARPORT CROSSFIT
"On Monday, May 26, 2014, Carport CrossFit will celebrate Memorial Day and honor our nation's fallen heroes including, in particular, those who have been awarded The Congressional Medal of Honor, by running the Hero WOD known as "The Murph" or "Murphy". The Murph consists of a 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 air squats and another 1 mile run. It is said to have been the favorite workout of U.S.N. Lt. Michael Murphy who, at the age of 29, valiantly and selflessly gave his life for his country and his comrades while engaging enemy combatants in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005. The pull-ups, pushups, and squats may be partitioned as needed. As Lt. Murphy preferred to do this workout wearing body armor, athletes are encouraged to wear weighted vests as they dare." - Puma

COLOR RUN - Saturday May 31st downtown Bham
Also known as The Happiest 5K on the Planet! This 5K is not for time, it's for COLOR! Have fun chucking paint and making people smile!☺ Register now to receive early bird pricing! Be sure to join the Carport CrossFit team!  Buy tix here:



bill said...

Rx 125 lbs BP 5 rep max
28 reps 3 min BP amrap
52 calories 3 minute row

No better way for Sandy and I to celebrate our 33 year anniversary than gettin fit with our peeps at the Carport.
This season of life for us is well expressed in a song by Ben Rector titled 'I like you' need to complicate it, dress it up or overstate it..I just like you - life is not the mountain tops, it's the walking in between...happy anniversary Sandy - my sweetheart! Here we come the next 33!

Casey said...

Happy Anniversary to the both of you!! You guys are such a wonderful example of a happy, healthy, God lovin' marriage and I think that is AWESOME!!

Oatie said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!! Here is to another 33 :-)

Puma said...

Happy Anniversary indeed!

bill said...

Brian's thot for the day was 'what is our definition of fitness'. My definition of fiitness is.... 'to be as fit as my buddy David Froning Pugh!

Amber said...

Happy anniversary Bill and Sandy! You are setting such a good example not only in your relationship with each other, but also in your relationship with your children and parents. You have an amazing family! We❤️You both!!

Unknown said...

Congrats bill and sandy! We are so blessed to have you as apart of our community. And the question of the day was; What is fitness to you?

Unknown said...

These were the responses...

Unknown said...

Glad I got to work out with you two lovebirds on your 33rd wedding anniversary! Congratulations :)