Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ring Dip, Run, Deadlift

10 rounds for max reps:
30 seconds max reps Ring Dips
30 seconds Rest


2 rounds for time
800M run
30 Deadlifts, 275/185

Score is time in seconds minus reps ring dips. Post score to comments.


bill said...

My squatters are killing me after those 100+ ohs yesterday!

Unknown said...

Good bill
I was thinking I was the only one

Judy Ranelli said...

45 purple band ring dips,
95# deadlifts,

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's wod is

Pull-ups, burpees, HSC

10 rounds for max reps
30 seconds max reps Pull-ups
30 seconds Rest


10 min AMRAP
EMOM for 10 min perform 5 bar-over burpees followed by max reps Hang Squat Cleans (135/95).
*NOTE - you MUST complete the required Burpees each minute to continue the AMRAP.

Post total pull-ups and hang squat cleans to comments.

Puma said...

53 dips
15:55 min on the WOD @ 225#