Tuesday, March 25, 2014


EOMOM for 20 minutes:
Max reps Overhead Squats with the weight of your choice


Tabata Double Unders

Score = (OHS reps)(OHS load)(DU reps). Post score to comments.


bill said...

231,725 points .....sounds impressive doesn't it? Things are not always as they appear. Boy am I glad tomorrow is Wed. Those oh squats were rough.

Sandy said...

That workout wore me out!! I am still trying to eat enough calories to compensate!

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

10 rounds for max reps:
30 sec max reps Ring Dips
30 sec Rest


2 rounds for time
800M run
30 Deadlifts, 275/185

Score is time in seconds minus reps ring dips.

Puma said...

114reps x 75# x 131 DUs = 1,120,050