Thank you Carport CrossFit for making it possible for me to go on a caving trip for the first time in a year or so and still scamper around like the young people on the trip with me... ~ Judy Ranelli
EMOM for 10 minutes, using 60% of max Clean, perform
1 Clean (pause 3 sec at the bottom)
2 Front Squats
- then -
7 min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
5 Toes-to-Bar
Post load and reps to comments. Compare to 10/31/13.
OPEN COMPETITORS - If you would like to re-run 14.3, you may do so during the first part of today's workout at the 5:30am or 5:30pm classes. Please arrange for someone to judge your performance. Coaches will be leading the class and will not be available to judge. All scores for 14.1 must be submitted by 7pm tonight.
Bwaahaahaahaaa.....2 rounds + 2 DUs. If that's not pitiful I'll eat a monkey. I can go from a record number of DUs one day to not even being able to turn the rope the next day. That's why I didn't take up ballet - no rhythm plus I wouldn't look good doing choreography in a onesy. I'll beat them yet.
Bill - You always make me laugh!!! Miss you guys!
Tomorrow's WOD is
10 rounds for max reps
30 sec L-pull-ups
30 sec Rest
-then -
4 rounds for reps of:
30 sec Toes to Bar
30 sec Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1pd
30 sec Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 1.5/1pd
30 sec Burpee
30 sec Rest
Post total L pull-ups completed and reps to comments. Compare to 9/25/13.
55#, singles and straight leg situps, 9+5
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