Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Weighted Pull-up

15 minutes to establish a max Weighted Pull-up


10 minute AMRAP of:
50 Wallballs, 20/14
50 Over-the-box jumps, 24/20
ME Toes-to-bar in time remaining

Score is load + reps T2B. Post score to comments.

REMINDER - 5:30am class is closed on Wednesdays.


Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is:

15 min to establish max snatch
Open WOD 12.1
7min max reps Burpees. Jump to touch a pull-up bar approximately 6" above your reach.

Score is load + reps.

Demo video of 12.1

Puma said...

35# weighted pullup

164 Rx on the WOD