15 min to establish a 3-rep max Overhead Squat
10min AMRAP of
5 Hang Power Snatch, 95/65
10 OHS
15 Lateral Hops over bar
Post max load and rounds and reps to comments. Compare to 8/12/13.
The Overhead Squat with Chris Spealler - video [ipod] [mov] [720 HD] [1080 HD]
The 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open starts on February 27. Register now!
Only did light weight - 65lbs on ohs 3 rep max.
Used a mere 45lbs on wod - 8 rounds + 4 reps with step over instead of jump over. Enjoying Brian's input in the a.m. When you put together input from all 4 coaches (Amber, Drew, Cori and Brian) you have a wealth of good info to draw on for technique, mobility, not to mention general 'life' instruction...for instance "don't drink a quart of water before jumping rope". But particularly on movements - we get a good broad picture rather than what one might get from a single coach...thanks coaches!
made it up to 205# before calling it on OHS.
7 plus 5 on the work
2.25 miles pre run
Tomorrow's WOD is
15 min to establish Push Press x 3
10 min Push Press/Burpee ladder using 50% of your 3-rep max
Minute 1: perform 1 Burpee and as many Shoulder-to-overhead as possible
Minute 2: perform 2 Burpees and as many Shoulder-to-overhead as possible
Minute 3: perform 3 Burpees and as many Shoulder-to-overhead as possible...
Continue for 10 minutes. Score is reps Push Press.
115 x 3 :)
5rounds + 11 reps @ 60#
The first two rounds of the AMRAP I felt like I was jumping with lead shoes. I could not hop. Rd3, 4, 5 I I hopped just fine. I'm super happy about my OHS!
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